Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's cold!

Do you know that it snowed at Nov. 16!! When I looked at the mountain it was all white! When I arrived school all I can see was the beautiful white snow! Not everybody saw that so I think the people who didn't see that are poor. It was so pretty!

A girl got the Swine Flu Shot at Nov.24 today and she couldn't breath well and her body can't move well too! She is very poor.. She is 12 years old in a Korean School. When the girl was in my school I will cry!! I don't know why but I'm sorry for the girl...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mr.Pee's Story!

Once upon a time there was this guy called Mr. Pee. He peed every time he slept. He was 45 years old but still can’t go to the bathroom at night. So he wore a diaper. A fairy cured him with her magical powers, but she gave him a very unpleasant metabolism problem! That problem was that he could not walk. Now everybody had to carry him everywhere. He was surprised at first, but he didn’t care. He peed every minute everyday. Then, suddenly Mr. Pee’s pee was turning to the color gold! Since everyone had to carry him, he decided to bring along a 32-gig iPod touch loaded with horror movies that would help him pass the time on what he thought was a most comfortable stretcher. 56 kind people came to fix his peeing problem. One man said he would pay Mr. Pee handsomely if he didn't pee all night and day. Well, none of the people could cure him, so Mr. Pee decided to suicide himself... And he did

Friday, November 13, 2009



When you like red you don't like to wait.
When you like orange you are stupid.
When you like yellow you are pretty.
When you like light green you are fresh.
When you like green you are like a boy.
When you like sky blue you gentle.
When you like blue you are cool.
When you like light purple you are flat and big.
When you like purple you are the pretiest person.
When you like pink you are little bit dumb and cute.
When you like brown you are mean.
When you like black you have charisma.
When you like white you are kind.

Swine Flu Shots!!

Everyone!!! Swine Flu Shots doesn't hurt at all!! I thought the shot will hurt alot, but it didn't hurt me at all! People who's going to get the Swine Flu shots don't be scared~~

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


These are some songs I like~